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The Beach Haven Staff positively reinforces students who demonstrate good character traits by providing them with tickets they place in or school character bucket. Each month, we draw a student's name from the bucket and they are recognized as our Golden Surfer Award Winner for that month. The more often students are observed displaying positive character traits, they greater their chances of being selected. Unselected tickets remain in the bucket throughout the year. Students are also selected from our bucket to participate in the Principal of the Day selection once a month.
Students chosen as the Golden Surfer will receive a special certificate as well as having the golden surfboard award displayed in their classroom for the month.
By recognizing and celebrating these character traits throughout the year, we can maintain a proactive approach to teaching and modeling appropriate behaviors for a positive school climate! Each trimester, we promote and celebrate the character of all our students and staff at our pep rallies.
September: Self-Efficacy
October: Respect
November: Gratitude